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Valheim server troubleshooting

Check the specific guides below, and review the list of common issues.

Troubleshooting guides

Choose from the following options based on your specific situation:

Very common issues/questions

My server start script exits unexpectedly

Have you set a -password parameter, is it more than five characters, and not in the -name parameter?

My server seems to start ok, but when I try to connect, I get a ‘DISCONNECTED’ message?

This is often resolved by restarting the server machine. Close the running server with Ctrl+c first ;)

People external to my LAN are able to connect to the server, but I can’t connect?

You should use the internal IP address of the server, or if you’re hosting the server on the same machine that you play the game on.

When running the server I see “Couldn’t create a Convex Mesh from source mesh “RearBig” is that a problem?

Not a problem, don’t worry about it :)

When running the server it just keeps displaying ‘Game server connection failed’ in the console

You need to whitelist the server executable in the firewall, it needs to talk to the internet. That’s valheim_server.exe in windows or valheim_server.x86_64 in linux.

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Unoffical support information compiled by volunteers from the Valheim Discord. No information is guaranteed to be correct, all advice is followed at your own risk.